Monday 13 November 2017

If you guys follow me on twitter, you're probably aware of my trip to the UK and France. I'll go more in-depth later in a few blog posts. 
While I was in Paris, I wanted to check out The Christian Dior Exhibition at Musée des Arts Décoratifs. My Friend tired to queue but it was too long and we only had an hour to see the whole place. Plus, we wasted quite a lot of time trying to locate where it was none of us are blessed with the ability to speak the beautiful language of French it was a struggle. But still, I was lucky enough to see at least three items.  
Finally, we found it but there was a HUGE line since it was just a few weeks open to the public. While we still had a little hope to get in, we started to talk to an elderly woman who was dressed very nicely. I complimented her on her outfit and started to talk to her. Apparently, she's been in the fashion industry for a long time working in a local magazine. Before I knew it, we were late to see the rest of the group at the meeting point. I asked her what would be three things I should always keep in mind. I thought it would be nice to share it with you since she was a pretty successful woman and she's French ...they always know what the hell they're doing. 
So here you have it Three things a French Women gave me:
  1. Posture is key! It gives you so much more confidence you won't be taken as seriously without it.
  2.  Men are trash, they distract you from your goals. So first find yourself and figure out what you want for your future self then get yourself a charming man. Meanwhile, stick to yourself.
  3. Lastly, red lipstick is your war paint. Probably explains why French women wear red lipstick a lot.  You'll feel like a million bucks and ready to conquer the world.
After talking to her, I swear I got more motivated to work harder towards something in life.She will probably be someone who I`ll remember for the rest of my life because She seemed very cultured and intelligent, that made me think "Wow I want to be like her when I'm older!". There is an elegance about these working women in a rush with somewhere to go and places to be I saw in Paris that inspired me ten times more.
I hope you guys liked the post and that it also inspired you as much as it did to me.

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